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Myth Busters: Spaying & Neutering Your Pet


Discover the truth behind common myths about spaying and neutering. Learn how these procedures can benefit your pet’s health, prevent unwanted litters, and reduce behavioral issues. Let's debunk the myths and promote responsible pet care together!

Myth 1: Spaying or neutering will make my pet gain weight. Fact: Spaying or neutering doesn't directly cause weight gain. Pets may have a slightly reduced metabolism post-surgery, but maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise will keep them fit and healthy.

Myth 2: It's better to let my pet have one litter before spaying. Fact: There is no medical evidence to support the idea that having one litter benefits pets. Spaying before the first heat cycle significantly reduces the risk of certain cancers and health issues.

Myth 3: Spaying or neutering changes a pet’s personality. Fact: The core personality of your pet remains unchanged. Spaying or neutering can reduce certain undesirable behaviors, such as aggression and marking territory, but your pet's unique character will stay the same.

Myth 4: My pet will feel deprived if they can't reproduce. Fact: Pets do not have the same emotional attachment to reproduction as humans. They do not feel deprived or miss the experience of having offspring.

Myth 5: Spaying or neutering is a painful and dangerous procedure. Fact: Spaying and neutering are routine procedures performed by veterinarians. Pets are under anesthesia during the surgery, and pain management is provided post-operation to ensure a smooth recovery.

Myth 6: Neutering my male pet will make him less protective. Fact: Neutering does not affect a pet’s instinct to protect their home and family. Their natural guarding tendencies remain intact.

Myth 7: It's expensive to spay or neuter my pet. Fact: While there is a cost associated with the procedure, many clinics offer affordable options, and the long-term health benefits far outweigh the initial expense. Additionally, it can prevent costly health issues down the line.

Myth 8: Only female pets need to be spayed. Fact: Both male and female pets benefit from being spayed or neutered. Neutering males helps prevent testicular cancer and reduces the risk of prostate problems, along with curbing unwanted behaviors.

Myth 9: Spaying or neutering my pet is unnecessary if they are kept indoors. Fact: Even indoor pets can accidentally escape and reproduce. Spaying or neutering eliminates the risk of unplanned litters and provides health benefits regardless of their living environment.

Myth 10: I want my children to witness the miracle of birth. Fact: While the birth process can be educational, it’s important to remember the responsibility and commitment involved in caring for a litter. There are many other ways to teach children about the life cycle without contributing to the pet overpopulation problem.

By understanding the facts you can get clarity about spaying and neutering myths, you can make an informed decision that benefits both your pet and the broader community. For further information or to schedule a consultation, please contact your veterinarian.


  1. What should I expect after the surgery? Your pet may be groggy from anesthesia and might have a reduced appetite. Keep them calm and restrict their activity. Monitor the incision site for signs of infection.

  2. Can spaying or neutering be done on older pets? Yes, spaying or neutering can be performed on older pets, but they may require additional pre-surgical assessments to ensure they are healthy enough for anesthesia and surgery.

By addressing these common questions, you can feel more informed and confident about benefits of spaying and neutering your pet. For any additional concerns or to schedule a consultation, please contact your veterinarian. For pet consultation and veterinary doctor in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida, please give us a call on 9311560101 or log on to